
Welcome! We offer Private 1:1 Dog Training &
Puppy Classes In South East London

Come and learn with a highly experienced and qualified dog trainer! We hold in-person training sessions across South East London, provide remote training sessions via Zoom, and host regular group puppy training classes. We use science-based, positive reinforcement training methods with a focus on choice and consent to build a trusting bond between you and your dog. Our aim is to create a happy, confident dog that shares a rewarding relationship with their guardians, and to create guardians that feel equipped to handle life with a dog in London!

Group Puppy Classes in Bermondsey

Come and join our group puppy classes in Bermondsey and we’ll give you a great foundation and ensure you feel confident and well-prepared in raising your puppy.

Private 1:1 Dog Training Sessions

We offer private 1:1 puppy training in your home environment for clients in South-East London, or private training over Zoom for other areas.

Cooperative Care Training Sessions

Train your dog to be a willing participant in their own care and wellbeing!

With Cooperative Care training, we can teach your dog to work with you for their care procedures. This makes taking care of your dog’s health and well-being easier for you and your dog.

Train with an experienced, qualified dog trainer

I’m Toni! (they/them). I am a qualified dog trainer through the Professional Association of Canine Trainers (PACT) and a registered Animal Training Instructor with the Animal Behaviour and Training Council (ABTC).

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We are active on instagram

Come and check out our instagram profile for inspiration, training tips and to get a feel for our training approach.

Visit our Instagram profile

What sets Toni apart is their ability to not only train dogs but to empower owners. They gave us the tools and confidence to prepare Buddy for the real world, strengthening our bond with him in the process. Thanks to Toni’s training and guidance, Buddy has blossomed into an independent, confident, and sociable city dog who brings joy to everyone he meets.

— Sumon with Buddy the Cocker Spaniel

If you’re looking for someone who is both a fantastic and expert trainer with tons of patience and kindness, Toni is the perfect choice. Trixie has thrived with them, and we couldn’t be happier!

— Anna with Trixie the Cockapoo